Beliefs & Practices
When the people of God gather in worship, God is active. The Holy Spirit communicates the manifest presence of God in the midst of corporate worship.
At the heart of our services is the worship of God, which comprises of praise and worship songs, and thanksgiving through songs to God for his amazing love for us, which we received at salvation and everyday of our lives. We believe that one of the ways the Holy Spirit expresses his works is through the orderly exercise of spiritual gifts.
Prayer is one of the ways for Christians to know God intimately and personally. We communicate with God and hear from God through prayer. Moreover, it is in prayer that we participate with God in what He is doing on earth. We discern the heart of God and add our "yes" to His Word and work. Prayer is the engine of ministry at
New Life Church.
We believe that the church is one big family, spanning the generations. Even though, there are many true believers and different churches all over the world, we are one family and the body of Christ. Moreover, discipleship is a life-long personal and family journey of following Christ together, being formed as the people of God. New Life Church is committed to each generation in every stage of life, from exploring the Bible with children to finding community as a single to leading discussions about God's faithfulness with parents and grandparents.
We believe that every believer is invited into God's mission of redeeming and restoring His world. As a church, we believe we are called to announce in both word and deed the good news that Jesus is Lord, here and now! This happens through personal evangelism, church planting, global missions, and local outreach.
We are committed to planting healthy local churches around Norway and in other nations. As the Lord leads us, provides, and sends us leaders, our goal is to pay attention to God's work and to cooperate with it. We take seriously the call to raise up leaders and send them out to plant churches, so they can be a blessing to the world.