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New Life Church is part of Newfrontiers, an international movement of over 1500 Churches with a vision to advance the Kingdom of God across the globe through Making Disciples. Within the Newfrontiers family of Churches we are part of a

growing network of Churches connected to Christ Central Churches in

Manchester, England with the leader Jeremy Simpkins. 


The network is committed to building friendship between our churches, reaching unreached people groups around the world, training people to become all

that God has gifted them to be and starting new churches in different

nations of the world.


As part of this process of starting new churches in other nations, a number of people from across the Newfrontiers family of Churches felt God leading them to pray for a Church Planting in Norway. Then in 2009, John, Katherine and their children sensed God was calling them to move from Bristol, England to Norway to start a

new Church.


This was confirmed to them in a Newfrontiers Leader’s Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, when someone prophesied about them moving to a new country

to start a Church, in a way that confirmed the move for them.


​This sense of call became reality as they finally moved to Norway and started meeting with friends as a home group for few months and on 9th October 2011, moved into the community building called Folkets Hus in the city of Lillestrøm, which became our Church meeting place for three years.


The Church continued meeting in Lillestrøm until 14th December 2014, then moved to a new venue in Strømmen (main high street), about five minutes drive

from Lillestrøm. 


It's amazing! From 9th October 2011 until today, God has been faithful in building His Church and in giving us great people who continue to be a blessing and help to

move the Church forward in the plans God has for it.

New Life Church is a registered Charity Organisation in Norway with

Organisation number: 997654048.​

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Registered Charity Org. no. 997654048

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